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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My rough week.

What a rough week,which started last Saturday morning.You see,my daughter Nicole is 7 months pregnant with her first baby,which is a girl.Yay!!!Anyways,she said the week before last that her ribs hurt and it felt as if someone had punched her smack in the middle of her chest.3:15 last Saturday she woke me up and said she was going to the emergency room,which is a hop on I-4 and is maybe 6 minutes from home.At the emergency room,they sent her up to labor &delivery.After doing all sorts of tests on her,she has a blood clot in her right bronchial tube,and being pregnant does not help.One option was to transfer her to another hospital where the have an NICU for very tiny babies as they were going to take her baby early.Thank god they didn't.She(Isabella)is a determined baby who isn't wanting to come out early.So Nicole stayed,Saturday,Sunday,Monday and was home yesterday.She has to inject herself with blood thinners to dissolve the clot.Her medicine was very expensive.....$20,000 a box of a 30 day supply.She has 8 boxes.I am glad she is home.I love Nicole very much.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What a morning.

I live in chronic pain.I have a respiratory condition called CRIS.It stands for Chronic Respiratory Inflammatory Syndrome.I only found out because I went to a new allergist to be tested for numerous food allergies.The doctor is awesome and she took one look at me and said that I have been ill for awhile now.I also have Eczema.Ah,thats why my skin is always soooo dry.I go back to my allergy doctor next Friday.
I also have Fibromyalgia.I didn't ask for this much pain as I get older.What really concerns me is my neck.I have degenerative disc disease in 3 disks in my neck.I cannot turn my head anymore because I get dizzy.I don't drive anymore.I have a valid Florida drivers license and keep it for emergencies.Hopefully not too soon would I have to get behind the wheel of our Kia.
I have arthritis in my neck on down my body.Gee whiz i am only 48 years old.My 78 year old mom doesn't have health problems like I do.
I can't wait to meet my granddaughters.Yes,I have never met Madison,my 4 and half year old granddaughter.Long story.But,I am a bad person according to my ex-mother-in -law.But thats her opinion only.I am the nicest person you would ever meet.Well,its off to start another long boring day.Until later.